American Cameras Step Out

For the first time in more than four years new cameras are beginning to appear in the market. And almost without exception, the best of them are “Made In America.” World War II has given an impetus to a trend that began 20 years ago. No longer will photographers look abroad for the finest cameras and lenses. American manufacturers have not only equaled traditionally fine European equipment; in several ways they have surpassed it.

Outstanding among the new reflexes is the new Ansco luxury model, due shortly on the market. It’s a twin lens job, takes a dozen 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ negatives on 120 (B2) roll film. The taking lens is a coated f/3.5 Wollensak anastigmat with a focal length of 83 mm., and the cock-and-release-type shutter has speeds ranging from one-half to 1/400 second. The set and release controls are on the sides of the lens panel, and the shutter-speed markings can be read when the camera is in operating position. Other features are an all-metal body, automatic film transport, double-exposure prevention device, and eye-level optical view finder to supplement the ground glass.

American Cameras Step Out Pop Sci June 1946

Howe, Hartley E. “American Cameras Step Out.” Popular Science Monthly June 1946: 132–133. Print.